«Generation Barents» setter kursen mot fremtiden!

Bli med på den internasjonale ungdomskonferansen i Bodø 19. til 22. september!

Published 03. juli 2024

Fra 19. til 22. september 2024 vil Beddingen Kulturhus i Bodø forvandles til et dynamisk knutepunkt for engasjerte ungdommer fra hele Norden.

«Generation Barents» arrangeres av Barentssekretariatet, Barents Regionale Ungdomsråd (BRYC) og Nordland fylkeskommune, og arrangementet blir en møteplass fylt med inspirasjon, læring og nettverksbygging.

Hvem er «Generation Barents» for?

Denne internasjonale ungdomsbegivenheten har som mål å skape en plattform for unge mennesker i aldersgruppa 18-30, som ønsker å forme fremtiden til Barentsregionen og Norden.

«Generation Barents» vil samle studenter, medlemmer av ungdomsråd og ungdomsorganisasjoner, unge gründere og andre engasjerte unge fra Norge, Sverige, Finland, Island, Grønland og Færøyene. Arrangementet er åpent for alle og er gratis å delta på, men med et begrenset antall plasser oppfordres alle til å registrere seg tidlig. Arrangørene dekker opphold og måltider for deltakerne.

On 19-22 September 2024, BRYC (Barents Regional Youth Council), together with the Nordland County Council and the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, is hosting an international youth event titled “Generation Barents”. The event will be held in Bodø, Norway.

The event aims to create a platform for young leaders in the High North. We welcome students, members of youth councils and youth organizations, young entrepreneurs and other interested youths (in the age group 18-30) to network, discuss and develop awareness around building the future of the Barents Region. The event is mainly aimed at participants from the Nordics (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands).

Participation includes admission to the seminar, lunch, dinner and evening program. There will also be a meet-and-greet gathering in the evening of 19 September. Please note that there is a limited number of slots, so we encourage everyone to register as soon as possible. Registration deadline: August 30th.

Registration form

Contact person: Eilen Zakariassen, Adviser, International Office, Nordland County Council
E-mail: eilzak@nfk.no, Phone: +47 97776794

Meld deg på før det er for sent!

Med et begrenset antall plasser oppfordres alle interesserte til å registrere seg så snart som mulig. Fristen for registrering er 30. august.

DAY 0: Thursday 19 September

Arrival day & getting to know each other

08:00-19:00      Arrival, check-in (separate program for NORA participants)

19:00-21:00      Icebreaker dinner (informal dinner and scavenger hunt in Bodø)
Venue: Smarthotel Bodø, restaurant area

DAY 1: Friday 20 September

Conference and Workshop

Venue: Beddingen House of Culture (Tolder Holmers vei 4, 8003 Bodø)

08:15               Joint departure from the hotel lobby (Smarthotel Bodø)
08:30-09:00      Coffee and registration at Beddingen

PART 1 - Introduction

09:00-09:20      Opening session – Welcome to Generation Barents!    

Moderators: Marie Henriette Johnsen & Carina Ysland (Students, Nord University)

09.20-09.45      What’s the deal in the North?

Theme: Let's delve into the youth situation in the Barents Region and the Nordics. We'll explore demographics, migration trends, and future prospects, discussing challenges and opportunities – also when it comes to international cooperation. And most importantly, we'll explore how youth can shape a brighter future for themselves and their society.

Speaker: Andrey Mineev, Researcher, Business School of Nord University

PART 2 – Education and work in the North

Theme: Are we offering the right education to meet job market needs? What can we learn from our neighboring countries? In this segment, we are going explore this question together with examples from career and industry experts. We’ll look at how our education aligns with job opportunities and discuss ways to solve common challenges through cross-border cooperation.

09.45-10.15      Presentations

“What’s missing in our approach to education and employment in the Nordics?” –youth representative (TBC)

“Young North – Ownership of Your Own Future” – Kristiane Mauno Krystad, Arctic Energy Partners

“Cross-border opportunities in the Nordic region” – Ida Steiner & Ludvig Karlsson, Nordjobb / Nordfokus

10.15-11.00      Panel talk about career opportunities in the North

  • Are we offering the right education to meet the market needs?
  • How can cross-border cooperation enhance education and job opportunities in the Nordic region?
  • What role can entrepreneurship and innovative industries play in shaping the future of work for young people?

Panel:  Youth representative, Nordjobb, Arctic Energy Partners, Marine Spark AS.

11:00-11:15      Coffee break

PART 3 – Youth and housing

Theme: Where and how will we live in the future, and are we ready for it? Join us in exploring these questions from the perspective of young people. We'll engage in a presentation and conversation with an architect bureau to discuss the design of future towns, decision-making in housing construction, and ensuring affordability. Let's shape our future homes together.

11.15-11.30      The current status of the housing situation for youth in the North

Presentation by a youth representative (TBC)

11.30-12.00      Designing sustainable housing for future communities

Presentation by the architect bureau AT Arkitektur, Fabric +: What will our future towns look like, who are deciding how our houses are being built, how to ensure that young people can afford a place to live etc.


12:00-13:00      Lunch is served at the conference venue (Beddingen House of Culture).

PART 4 – Future Scenario Workshop

Join us for an engaging Future Scenario Workshop designed to inspire young minds to think critically about the future. Participants will explore futures thinking, engage in horizon scanning, and build scenarios to envision a sustainable future. Led by Folke, a non-profit organization from Tromsø, this workshop aims to empower young people to tackle social challenges and foster community development. Moderator: Lene Lundberg, Folke.

13:00-14:00      Future Scenario Workshop

14:00-14:15      Coffee break

14:15-16:00      Future Scenario Workshop continues

Wrap-up – Takes from today

16:00-16:15      In our concluding session, we'll reflect on key takeaways from today's conference, emphasizing the themes and insights gained.

Evening program and joint dinner

16:30-17:30      Bonfire coffee by the city beach or sauna and a swim (optional)

17:30-19:00      Free time

19:00-23:00 Green Gala Party at Beddingen!

As night falls, the conference venue will be transformed into an oasis with the help of our partner, Space for Plants. Founded by Lorna Aventurine, Space for Plants is a greenhouse café and a cultural hub in Bodø, dedicated to breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity through lush greenery, creativity, and community gatherings.

We'll kick off the evening with a joint dinner, presentations by three innovative youth startups (Marine Spark AS, M.A.I. Learning AS, CapiPro AS), followed by some entertainment and an electrifying party atmosphere. Get ready to dance to the beats of DJ Ailo and enjoy refreshments at the bar.

DAY 2: Saturday 21 September

Conference and Group Work on the Barents Youth Program

Venue: Beddingen House of Culture (Tolder Holmers vei 4, 8003 Bodø)

09:00-09:30      Coffee and mingling

09:30-09:35      Opening of day 2

Moderators:     Klajdi Dedej (BRYC Chair) & Martin Gamst Johnsen (BRYC Alumni)

09:35-10:00      Let's talk cash: Finding funds for your cool project ideas
Discover how to turn your ideas into real projects by getting the money you need! Learn about funding options from NORA and the Norwegian Barents Secretariat. Let's work together to make your projects happen!


  • Liza Vassilieva, Youth Adviser, The Norwegian Barents Secretariat, Kirkenes
  • NORA Secretariat – Nordic Atlantic Cooperation, Tórshavn

The Barents Youth Program

Theme: The Barents Youth Program is a strategic document guiding youth cooperation in the Barents Region, updated every three years. As the current program term ends in 2024, we're drafting the next program for 2025-2027. Join us in this interactive session to provide your input and discuss the priorities for the next term. Your ideas will help shape the future of youth cooperation in the Barents Region.

Moderators:     Klajdi Dedej (BRYC Chair) & Martin Gamst Johnsen (BRYC Alumni)

      The Barents Youth Program – How was it made?

10.20-10.40      “Why is the Barents Youth Program Important”          

10:40-11:00      Agree or Disagree: “Barents Now”

Participants join a Standpoint shuffle, or an interactive, physical opinion poll based on statements about our region.

11.00-11.15      Coffee break

11.15-12.00      “The Idea Machine”

Participants will be divided into 8 groups, each guided by a mentor/moderator. Together, they'll brainstorm and develop ideas for the Barents Youth Program.

12.00-13.00      Lunch

13.00-14.00      “Concretize the Ideas”

In this segment, we will refine and select key ideas to focus on, transforming initial thoughts into well-developed concepts.

14.00-15.30      “The Power of the Pen”

The groups will write proposals to modify the youth program or add new proposals. Use premade presentation templates and visualize proposed changes.

15.30-15.45      Coffee break

15.45-16.45      “Show and Tell” – Presentation of the proposals from each group

16.45-17.00      Conclusion

Evening program and joint dinner

17:00-18:40      Free time

18:40-19:00      Walk to Egna by foot (20 minutes) or with public bus

19:00-22:00      Circular Economy Dinner at Egna (Verkstedveien 1, 8008 Bodø)

Join us for an engaging evening at Egna, a Bodø-based leader in sustainability and community-driven innovation. Egna is dedicated to creating environmentally friendly jobs and offering job training to those outside the workforce. During dinner, you’ll hear presentations from Egna about their impactful work and from ACAF/LUKE on their research into youth and indigenous involvement in climate change adaptation and the circular economy.

22:00-22:20      Walk back to the hotel

DAY 3: Sunday 22 September

Departure day

Dette kan du lære mer om på konferansen!

Konferansen vil ta for seg dagsaktuelle spørsmål som utdanning og arbeidsmuligheter i Norden, høye boligpriser for unge og bærekraftige boliger.

Viktige temaer vil også være klima og ungt entreprenørskap i nordområdene, med vekt på å regional utvikling og bærekraft.

Gjennom aktivt gruppearbeid under «Future Scenario Workshop» og «Barents Youth Programme 2025-2028 Workshop» vil deltakerne også reflektere over fremtidens Norden, og hvordan vi kan sikre en god fremtid for kommende generasjoner.

(teksten fortsetter under bildet)


For deltakere fra NORA-delegasjonen, samt deltakere fra Finland og Sverige, vil det være organisert transport til Bodø. Norske deltakere må imidlertid organisere sin egen reise, men kan søke om å få reiseutgiftene refundert, enten fullt ut eller delvis, basert på hvor de reiser fra.

Barentssekretariatets nye støtteordning BarentsUng gjør det mulig for nordnorske deltakere å søke om reisestøtte for å delta i arrangementer som Generation Barents.

Les mer om BarentsUng-ordningen her.

For spørsmål, ta kontakt med vår ungdomsrådgiver Liza Vassilieva på e-post: elizaveta@barents.no.

Mer informasjon

Mer informasjon om Generation Barents og programmet finner du på arrangementets Facebook-side.

For spørsmål, kontakt Eilen Zakariassen, rådgiver ved Internasjonalt kontor i Nordland fylkeskommune, på e-post: eilzak@nfk.no eller telefon: +47 97776794.

Våre samarbeidspartnere

Arrangementet har flere nøkkelpartnere. NORA (Nordic Atlantic Cooperation) er en av dem, og de bidrar med å rekruttere deltakere fra Island, Grønland, Færøyene og Kyst-Norge, samt finansiering av deres reiseutgifter.

En egen delegasjon fra NORA-landene vil delta på konferansen, og de vil også ha et eget program i Lofoten før hovedarrangementet.

I tillegg samarbeides det med Bodø2024, den europeiske kulturhovedstaden, og ungdomssatsningen UNG2024. Et eget ungdomspanel, «Youth Advisory Board» (YAB), bestående av engasjerte ungdommer fra Bodø, er også med i planleggingen av «Generation Barents». YAB’ben vil sørge for at ungdomsdeltakerne blir kjent med Bodø og får en positiv opplevelse under oppholdet.

Fra fjorårets "Generation Barents".