Sivilbefolkningens liv i krig og gjenreisning
Museene for kystkultur og gjenreisning
Historisk fakultetet Pomor Universitetet
The Museum of Reconstruction for Finnmark and Northern Troms, The Department for Russian history of the Pomor State University historical faculty, Gymnasium nr 3 (Arkhangelsk), University of Tromsø and Finnmark University College are planning the project of research and promotion of Northern Norwegian and North‐West Russian civilian population history during the Second World War and post‐war reconstruction. The project's goal is to carry out a comparative study of civilian population life in the mentioned regions and, as a result of the studies, make an exhibition and organize lectures for ppupils in 8th - 10th grade.
Antall deltakere i prosjektet
Totalt i prosjektet
80 (norske og utenlandske)